question:Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Question: As gas in the plant is cooling down, Gabe notices that the particles are moving more slowly or faster.? Paragraph : If the gas is cooled, the particles will move more slowly, because they will have less energy.
answer:The particles will be moving more slowly.
question:A: Oh, wow! But maybe you shouldn't be held responsible for something you did several years ago. B: So, I know. A: That's the other thing. I mean a lot of people as kids or, you know, young people get into some things that they get out of later on and I don't think they should really have to pay for that forever. Question: Does this imply that they should really have to pay for that forever? Yes, no, or maybe?
answer:The statement "I don't think they should really have to pay for that forever" implies that they should not have to pay for it forever. Therefore, the answer is "no".
question:Passage: If the con artist has succeeded in fooling Sam , he would have lost a lot of money. Question: In the passage above, does the pronoun he refer to the con artist? Answer
question:Victoria: Have you seen Baby?? Olivia: Noooo Susan: No, whats that? Victoria: New Netflix series about teenagers Olivia: Oooo, American?? Victoria: Italian Victoria: Good stuff Olivia: Ok, I'll watch it today ;) Victoria: I saw 3 episodes Victoria: And I can't wait to see the next ;)) Susan: I wish I had netflix :<< Victoria: Talk to Jack Victoria: Maybe he has a free profile To sum up this dialog
answer:Victoria recommends the Netflix series "Baby" to Olivia and Susan. It is an Italian series about teenagers that Victoria has enjoyed watching. Olivia plans to watch it and Susan expresses a desire to watch but does not have access to Netflix. Victoria suggests that Susan speak to Jack as he may have a free profile.