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answer:很久很久以前,有一個母親叫小花,她有一個兒子叫小王。小花是一位非常愛護小王的媽媽,她總是盡力照顧著他的成長。小王則是個活潑好動的男孩,他對於世界充滿了好奇心。 一天,小花帶著小王到了一個秘密的花園。這個花園裡充滿了美麗的花朵、香氣四溢的草莓和可愛的小動物。小王興奮地四處探索,而小花則開始在花園裡工作。 不久之後,小花突然發現小王不見了。她慌張地四處尋找,最後在一個花園角落找到了小王,但她看到小王手中握著一個奇怪的東西。她仔細一看,嚇了一跳,原來是小王的命根子! 小花不知道小王是怎麼找到這樣的東西的,她非常困惑。她溫柔地問小王:“寶貝,這是什麼?你為什麼會拿著這個?”小王雖然年幼,但他理解到了這個事情的重要性。 小王便解釋說:“媽媽,我在花園裡發現了這個,我看到它是生命的根源,它讓花朵和植物長出美麗的花和果實。我覺得很奇妙,所以捧在手心裡。” 小花感動地注視著小王,她頓悟了,她明白了小王想要告訴她的道理。這個小小的事情讓小花更加了解了自己作為一個母親的責任。 從那天起,小花更加認真地照顧小王的成長。她用心教導他關於生命的珍貴和重要性。她告訴他:每個人都擁有自己的命根子,它是我們的基礎,它賦予我們生命的力量和意義。 小王明白了這個道理,他學會了珍惜自己的生命和他身邊的一切。他開始更加關心花朵和植物,他學會了照顧它們,使它們成長得更好。他也更加感激媽媽,因為她給了他生命和愛,就像生命的命根子一樣。 小王慢慢長大,成為了一位愛護大自然的人。他用自己的行動保護著花草樹木,將這份愛心傳遞給更多的人。而他的媽媽小花,也為他驕傲,她看著這個幸福、關愛的兒子,心滿意足。

question:What is the best price you can give us for 112 times the spice jars?- Including stickers and a funnel.对上面的英文内容进行英文回复。因为只看到这一个要求,不清楚买家需要一套12罐还是一套24罐,另外盖子是需要铝盖,竹盖还是不锈钢盖,所以无法为他提供准确价格。

answer:I apologize for the confusion, but in order to provide an accurate price, could you please specify if you are looking for a set of 12 jars or 24 jars? Additionally, kindly specify if you prefer aluminum, bamboo, or stainless steel lids for the jars. With this information, I will be able to give you the best possible price. Thank you!

question:What is the best price you can give us for 112 times the spice jars?- Including stickers and a funnel. 对上面的英文内容进行英文回复。因为不清楚买家需要一套12罐还是一套24罐,另外盖子是需要铝盖,竹盖还是不锈钢盖,所以无法为他提供准确价格。问一下买家

answer:Certainly! Could you please clarify if you are looking for 112 sets of 12 jars or 112 sets of 24 jars? Additionally, please let us know if you prefer aluminum, bamboo, or stainless steel lids for the jars. Once we have these details, we will be able to provide you with the best price possible. Thank you!

question:GOURMAID Kitchen Bamboo Expandable Utensils and Drawer Organizer Hello there, my name is Ahasan.I am an Amazon FBA seller and I am interested in purchasing 500 units. Could you please let me know the cost of shipping 500 units to America?对上面的应为内容进行英文回复,让买家提供他需要的产品图片以及产品的尺寸,这样才能计算价格。

answer:Hello Ahasan, Thank you for your interest in our GOURMAID Kitchen Bamboo Expandable Utensils and Drawer Organizer. In order to provide you with an accurate shipping cost to America for 500 units, could you please provide us with the following information: 1. Product Image: Could you kindly provide us with the image of the product you are interested in purchasing? This will help us verify the exact dimensions and weight of the 500 units. 2. Product Dimensions: Please provide us with the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the product. This will assist us in determining the shipping volume and cost. Once we have these details, we will be able to calculate the shipping cost for you. Thank you!

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