question:You are a useful assistant that extracts tuples, that we call CLAIM, each contains information of only one cell from an HTML table that will be provided below. The format to extract a CLAIM is: <{ <name, value>, <name, value>, ... }>, <MEASURE, value>, <OUTCOME, value> The format must be exactly this one and only has data from one cell of the html table. Where each <name, value> in the vector will determine the position of the cell. The vector may contain more <name, value> because some cells in the table are not scientific results, but just features, therefore they will not be used as measure and outcome, but only as part of the vector, an example can be the number of patients in an experiment. Make sure to replicate exactly how the vector is made above. Where <MEASURE, value> is the value of the MEASURE used in that cell. A MEASURE is something that can be considered a scientific measure used to get scientific results, for example the number of patients is NOT a measure. Where <OUTCOME, value> is the actual value, usually a number in the cell. It is crucial to understand whether something is a real MEASURE or not, in the case of not being a MEASURE you must put that cell in the vector that determines the position. This means not necesarily every cell equals one CLAIM, make sure to understand that mere features and characteristics are not measures so never include them in the MEASURE, only in the vector. A MEASURE may not be mentioned in the table but may be understood by context and data, for example a percentage, but it's never just a number, it's a scientific measure, not a feature. Extract from the table all the information, analyze data, decide whether it's a measure or not (a mere number of patients, number of experiments, numbers which are not related to a scientific measure are never MEASURE), then create the CLAIM, in most cases you won't have one claim per each cell, but less. Per each claim you have to decide which MEASURE is used, it's important that each claim has a MEASURE, if there is one used on that cell, be careful as the measure is the most important part of the claim. Don't show the whole process of analyzing, just show the final results with the CLAIM produced, following the format precisely. Here is the HTML Table: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; font-size: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <table frame="hsides" rules="groups" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <td> <b> Trait </b> </td> <td> <b> Number of Phenotypes </b> </td> <td> <b> Mean </b> </td> <td> <b> Standard Deviation </b> </td> <td> <b> Minimum </b> </td> <td> <b> Maximum </b> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> SCS </td> <td> 1058 </td> <td> - 0.1024 </td> <td> 0.383 </td> <td> -1.211 </td> <td> 1.072 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> Caption provided for the table: Descriptive statistics for daughter yield deviations Paragraph quoting the table in the document: The phenotype information for SCS was provided by the VIT as daughter yield deviations (DYD) for the first lactation (Table 1). SCS is the log2 transformed somatic cell count (log2 (somatic cell count/100000) + 3). DYD for SCS were calculated based on a random regression test day model [26]. The reliabilities associated with the DYD were expressed as the number of effective daughter contributions (EDC) as described by [26]. DYD and EDC for genotyped animals were obtained from the official release of the April 2008 routine genetic evaluation. DO NOT IGNORE THE FORMAT, YOU MUST FOLLOW IT PRECISELY. Always remember to put in the vector anything that is not a measure and don't ignore cells, include all cells that are just text in the vector. If there's a cell you don't know where to put, don't ignore it, insert it in the vector. It's fundamental that all claims will contain every piece of information in the table, DO NOT IGNORE CELLS.
answer:<{ Trait, SCS }>, <Number of Phenotypes, 1058>, <MEAN, -0.1024> <{ Mean, -0.1024 }>, <Standard Deviation, 0.383> <{ Standard Deviation, 0.383 }>, <Minimum, -1.211> <{ Minimum, -1.211 }>, <Maximum, 1.072>
question:You are a useful assistant that extracts tuples, that we call CLAIM, each contains information of only one cell from an HTML table that will be provided below. The format to extract a CLAIM is: <{ <name, value>, <name, value>, ... }>, <MEASURE, value>, <OUTCOME, value> The format must be exactly this one and only has data from one cell of the html table. Where each <name, value> in the vector will determine the position of the cell. The vector may contain more <name, value> because some cells in the table are not scientific results, but just features, therefore they will not be used as measure and outcome, but only as part of the vector, an example can be the number of patients in an experiment. Make sure to replicate exactly how the vector is made above. Where <MEASURE, value> is the value of the MEASURE used in that cell. A MEASURE is something that can be considered a scientific measure used to get scientific results, for example the number of patients is NOT a measure. Where <OUTCOME, value> is the actual value, usually a number in the cell. It is crucial to understand whether something is a real MEASURE or not, in the case of not being a MEASURE you must put that cell in the vector that determines the position. This means not necesarily every cell equals one CLAIM, make sure to understand that mere features and characteristics are not measures so never include them in the MEASURE, only in the vector. A MEASURE may not be mentioned in the table but may be understood by context and data, for example a percentage, but it's never just a number, it's a scientific measure, not a feature. Extract from the table all the information, analyze data, decide whether it's a measure or not (a mere number of patients, number of experiments, numbers which are not related to a scientific measure are never MEASURE), then create the CLAIM, in most cases you won't have one claim per each cell, but less. Per each claim you have to decide which MEASURE is used, it's important that each claim has a MEASURE, if there is one used on that cell, be careful as the measure is the most important part of the claim. Don't show the whole process of analyzing, just show the final results with the CLAIM produced, following the format precisely. Here is the HTML Table: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; font-size: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <table frame="hsides" rules="groups" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <td> <b> Trait </b> </td> <td> <b> Number of Phenotypes </b> </td> <td> <b> Mean </b> </td> <td> <b> Standard Deviation </b> </td> <td> <b> Minimum </b> </td> <td> <b> Maximum </b> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> SCS </td> <td> 1058 </td> <td> - 0.1024 </td> <td> 0.383 </td> <td> -1.211 </td> <td> 1.072 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> Caption provided for the table: Descriptive statistics for daughter yield deviations Paragraph quoting the table in the document: The phenotype information for SCS was provided by the VIT as daughter yield deviations (DYD) for the first lactation (Table 1). SCS is the log2 transformed somatic cell count (log2 (somatic cell count/100000) + 3). DYD for SCS were calculated based on a random regression test day model [26]. The reliabilities associated with the DYD were expressed as the number of effective daughter contributions (EDC) as described by [26]. DYD and EDC for genotyped animals were obtained from the official release of the April 2008 routine genetic evaluation. DO NOT IGNORE THE FORMAT, YOU MUST FOLLOW IT PRECISELY. Always remember to put in the vector anything that is not a measure and don't ignore cells, include all cells that are just text in the vector. If there's a cell you don't know where to put, don't ignore it, insert it in the vector. It's fundamental that all claims will contain every piece of information in the table, DO NOT IGNORE CELLS.
answer:<{ Trait, SCS }, <Number of Phenotypes, 1058>, <MEASURE, Mean>, <OUTCOME, -0.1024> >
question:У меня стоит микротик в компании, от него идет провод на коммутатор hp porkyve, локальная сети стоит мне нужно изменить её на Опиши подробно как мне это сделать
answer:Для изменения IP-адресации вашей локальной сети с на, вам потребуется выполнить несколько шагов как на микротике, так и на коммутаторе HP ProCurve, если на нем настроены статические IP или VLAN'ы. Перед внесением изменений убедитесь, что у вас есть все необходимые пароли доступа к устройствам и что вы информировали пользователей сети о предстоящем простое. Для устройств MikroTik RouterOS: 1. Подключитесь к микротику через WinBox или WebFig. 2. Перейдите в раздел `IP` -> `Addresses`. 3. Найдите адрес, принадлежащий подсети, и измените его на сеть Например, если адрес устройства был, теперь он должен быть 4. Сохраните изменения и закройте окно. 5. Теперь перейдите в раздел `IP` -> `Routes`. Проверьте маршрутизацию на предмет адресов старой подсети; при необходимости обновите их. 6. Затем перейти в раздел `IP` -> `DHCP Server`. Найдите DHCP сервер, который обслуживает старую подсеть, откройте настройки и измените пул адресов на новые значения ( Не забудьте также проверить и обновить настройки DHCP Lease Time, если это необходимо. 7. Если у вас настроены Firewall правила, которые используют старую подсеть, перейдите в `IP` -> `Firewall` и обновите все правила, в которых упоминается старая подсеть 8. Проверьте любые другие сервисы, такие как NAT, VPN, который может использовать IP-адреса старой подсети, и обновите их соответственно. Для коммутаторов HP ProCurve: 1. Подключитесь к коммутатору HP через консольный порт, telnet или SSH. 2. Войдите в режим конфигурации. Обычно это делается с помощью команды `configure`. 3. Проверьте текущие настройки VLAN и IP-адресов. Вы можете использовать команду `show run` для просмотра текущей конфигурации. 4. Если на коммутаторе настроены статические IP-адреса для управления или VLAN, вам нужно изменить эти настройки. Например, если у вас есть VLAN с IP-адресом из старой подсети, используйте команду, чтобы изменить IP (в режиме конфигурации VLAN): ``` vlan 1 ip address 192.168.13.x exit ``` 5. Сохраните изменения на коммутаторе с помощью команды `write memory` или `save`. После внесения изменений убедитесь, что все устройства, включая серверы, принтеры, сетевые хранилища и т.д., которым были присвоены статические IP-адреса, обновлены с новыми настройками IP. Не забудьте также обновить информацию о DNS-серверах и шлюзах по умолчанию на всех клиентских машинах или на DHCP сервере, если они получают адреса автоматически. Очень важно провести тестирование после всех изменений, чтобы убедиться, что все устройства корректно коммуницируют между собой и с внешними сетями.
question:You are a useful assistant that extracts tuples, that we call CLAIM, each contains information of only one cell from an HTML table that will be provided below. The format to extract a CLAIM is: <{ <name, value>, <name, value>, ... }>, <MEASURE, value>, <OUTCOME, value> The format must be exactly this one and only has data from one cell of the html table. Where each <name, value> in the vector will determine the position of the cell. The vector may contain more <name, value> because some cells in the table are not scientific results, but just features, therefore they will not be used as measure and outcome, but only as part of the vector, an example can be the number of patients in an experiment. Make sure to replicate exactly how the vector is made above. Where <MEASURE, value> is the value of the MEASURE used in that cell. A MEASURE is something that can be considered a scientific measure used to get scientific results, for example the number of patients is NOT a measure. Where <OUTCOME, value> is the actual value, usually a number in the cell. It is crucial to understand whether something is a real MEASURE or not, in the case of not being a MEASURE you must put that cell in the vector that determines the position. This means not necesarily every cell equals one CLAIM, make sure to understand that mere features and characteristics are not measures so never include them in the MEASURE, only in the vector. A MEASURE may not be mentioned in the table but may be understood by context and data, for example a percentage, but it's never just a number, it's a scientific measure, not a feature. Extract from the table all the information, analyze data, decide whether it's a measure or not (a mere number of patients, number of experiments, numbers which are not related to a scientific measure are never MEASURE), then create the CLAIM, in most cases you won't have one claim per each cell, but less. Per each claim you have to decide which MEASURE is used, it's important that each claim has a MEASURE, if there is one used on that cell, be careful as the measure is the most important part of the claim. Don't show the whole process of analyzing, just show the final results with the CLAIM produced, following the format precisely. Here is the HTML Table: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; font-size: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <table frame="hsides" rules="groups" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <td> <b> Trait </b> </td> <td> <b> Number of Phenotypes </b> </td> <td> <b> Mean </b> </td> <td> <b> Standard Deviation </b> </td> <td> <b> Minimum </b> </td> <td> <b> Maximum </b> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> SCS </td> <td> 1058 </td> <td> - 0.1024 </td> <td> 0.383 </td> <td> -1.211 </td> <td> 1.072 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> Caption provided for the table: Descriptive statistics for daughter yield deviations Paragraph quoting the table in the document: The phenotype information for SCS was provided by the VIT as daughter yield deviations (DYD) for the first lactation (Table 1). SCS is the log2 transformed somatic cell count (log2 (somatic cell count/100000) + 3). DYD for SCS were calculated based on a random regression test day model [26]. The reliabilities associated with the DYD were expressed as the number of effective daughter contributions (EDC) as described by [26]. DYD and EDC for genotyped animals were obtained from the official release of the April 2008 routine genetic evaluation. DO NOT IGNORE THE FORMAT, YOU MUST FOLLOW IT PRECISELY. Always remember to put in the vector anything that is not a measure and don't ignore cells, include all cells that are just text in the vector. If there's a cell you don't know where to put, don't ignore it, insert it in the vector. It's fundamental that all claims will contain every piece of information in the table, DO NOT IGNORE CELLS.
answer:<{ Trait, SCS }, <Number of Phenotypes, 1058>, <OUTCOME, 1058> > <{ Mean, -0.1024 }, <MEASURE, Mean>, <OUTCOME, -0.1024> > <{ Standard Deviation, 0.383 }, <MEASURE, Standard Deviation>, <OUTCOME, 0.383> > <{ Minimum, -1.211 }, <MEASURE, Minimum>, <OUTCOME, -1.211> > <{ Maximum, 1.072 }, <MEASURE, Maximum>, <OUTCOME, 1.072> >