question:提示词: 现在你是一名广告的编写人员,你需要为某个产品写10条谷歌广告标题和谷歌广告描述。要求是: 1.用中文输出你的答案 2.广告的标题和广告描述的字数等要广告的标准 3.广告要引人入胜,让人有下单的欲望。
answer:1. 惊艳你的牙齿,让笑容更灿烂! 标题字数:11 描述字数:35 2. 双倍效果,双倍呵护,双倍美丽。 标题字数:10 描述字数:22 3. 亮白无痕,呵护牙齿,全身焕然一新! 标题字数:15 描述字数:37 4. 牙齿变白,乐动人生。 标题字数:7 描述字数:23 5. 拒绝牙渍困扰,让牙齿焕发光彩。 标题字数:14 描述字数:29 6. 超凡薄荷,让口气清新自信。 标题字数:11 描述字数:22 7. 牙彩鲜亮,让你绽放自信微笑。 标题字数:12 描述字数:25 8. 星级美白,只为让你更美。 标题字数:10 描述字数:20 9. 一支轻松解决牙渍和口臭问题。 标题字数:15 描述字数:24 10. 牛奶成分,白的更自然。 标题字数:10 描述字数:17
question:提示词: 现在你是一名广告的编写人员,你需要为某个产品写10条谷歌广告标题和谷歌广告描述。要求是: 1.用中文输出你的答案 2.广告的标题和广告描述的字数等要广告的标准 3.广告要引人入胜,让人有下单的欲望。
answer:1. 标题:好物推荐:品牌男装官方商城 描述:时尚百搭男装,赶快点击进入官网选购吧。 2. 标题:省心购物,安心体验的购物平台 描述:海量商品任你选购,放心交易快捷配送,让您轻松购物。 3. 标题:轻松创业,加入我们的团队吧! 描述:独特的创业模式,一站式服务支持,让你靠谱做老板! 4. 标题:鲜美难忘,健康美味的家庭厨房 描述:食材新鲜,口感绝佳,绝对是您美味健康的不二之选! 5. 标题:365天,每时每刻都有新鲜好果 描述:全球水果爆款,丰富品种,每日爆款促销让你畅所欲言! 6. 标题:亲肤舒适,时尚靓丽的衣橱必备 描述:多样式多款式任你选择,给你独特与精致体验。 7. 标题:居家必备,智能科技的家居电器 描述:智能家居让生活轻松优雅,应有尽有的科技产品放心购买! 8. 标题:不用等待,即刻享受的美妆护肤品 描述:赋予你自信美丽的美妆护肤品,让你无需等待尝试美丽! 9. 标题:为你的孩子选择最好的教育资源 描述:我们提供海量的教育资源,让你的孩子快速成长做最好的自己! 10. 标题:为您打造个性化的建材家装方案 描述:我们提供满足您建材家装需求的定制服务,让每个家都更有个性!
question:Generate 10 potential titles for a youtube video where a guy challenges himself to make a sausage. It is the final episode of a youtube series where a group of friends challenge themselves to try out new experiences. The titles should try to be humorous - at least 5 of them should involve puns. Try to make at least one a pun about how it's the final episode in the series.
answer:1. The Sausage Scheme: Finale Furter! 2. Sausage Showdown: Can He Kielbasa-vive the Challenge?! 3. Meat-Ing His Maker: DIY Sausage Challenge Ends With a Bang! 4. This Link's No Joke: Funniest Sausage Challenge Ever! 5. Can't Wurst for the Best: Hilarious Sausage Making Fiasco! 6. Beyond the Meat: A Final Adventure Into Sausage Creation! 7. Encased in Humor: A Hilarious Sausage Challenge for the Books! 8. The End Is Near-Wurst: Watch Our Friend Make His Funniest Sausage Yet! 9. Finale Franks: A Wiener Challenge We'll Never Fo'get! 10. The Banger's End: Rise and Shine to Our Last Sausage Adventure!
answer:1. The Sausage Scheme: Finale Furter! - This title features a pun using "Finale Furter" and indicates that it's the final episode of the series while highlighting the sausage-making challenge. 2. Sausage Showdown: Can He Kielbasa-vive the Challenge?! - This clever title uses the term "Kielbasa-vive" as a pun on "Kielbasa" and "survive." It also creates anticipation by questioning if the YouTuber can complete the challenge. 3. Meat-Ing His Maker: DIY Sausage Challenge Ends With a Bang! - "Meat-Ing" is a play on the word "meeting," adding humor as well as a hint of drama to the title. 4. This Link's No Joke: Funniest Sausage Challenge Ever! - This title uses "link" as a double meaning for both "sausage-link" and "YouTube-link," promising an entertaining video. 5. Can't Wurst for the Best: Hilarious Sausage Making Fiasco! - A pun on the phrase "can't wait," this title indicates that something hilariously disastrous will happen in the sausage-making process. 6. Beyond the Meat: A Final Adventure Into Sausage Creation! - Draws upon the phrase "beyond the limit" while references the final episode and the challenge of making sausages. 7. Encased in Humor: A Hilarious Sausage Challenge for the Books! - The title cleverly incorporates the "cased" or "encased" aspect of sausages and implies that the video will be humorously entertaining. 8. The End Is Near-Wurst: Watch Our Friend Make His Funniest Sausage Yet! - Combining "near-worst" with "wurst" (a type of sausage) for a pun, this title implies the final episode will be the most amusing sausage-making attempt yet. 9. Finale Franks: A Wiener Challenge We'll Never Fo'get! - Another title that references the series' finale, with a humorous spin on the word "forget," replacing it with "fo'get." 10. The Banger's End: Rise and Shine to Our Last Sausage Adventure! - Includes a pun with "banger's end," alluding to "banger" sausages, while also recognizing the series' finale and the thrilling experience of making sausages.