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question:2003 Joint European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and American Society of Reproductive Medicine Consensus on the diagnosis criteria for PCOS (Rotterdam criteria) At least two out of three of the following: Oligo-/amenorrhoea. Hyperandrogenism (clinical or biochemical). Polycystic ovaries on US. Exclusion of other disorders: CAH, hyperprolactinaemia, Cushing’s if indicated

answer:2003 التوافق المشترك للجمعية الأوروبية المشتركة لعلم الإنجاب البشري والأمراض الاستقلابية الأمريكية على معايير التشخيص لمتلازمة تكيس المبايض (معايير روتردام) على الأقل اثنان من بين الثلاثة التالية: 1. نقص التبويض/الأمينوريا. 2. زيادة هرمون الذكورة (سريرياً أو بيوكيميائياً). 3. تكيس المبايض على الأشعة فوق الصوتية. استبعاد الاضطرابات الأخرى: - فرط إفراز هرمون الكورتيزول الستيروئيدي (CAH). - زيادة هرمون البرولاكتين. - القصور الكظري، إن كان مشيراً إليه.

question:Other causes of hyperandrogenism CAH. Acromegaly. Cushing’s syndrome. Testosterone-secreting tumours (most commonly arrhenoblastoma)

answer:أسباب أخرى لزيادة هرمون الذكورة - فرط إفراز هرمون الكورتيزول الستيروئيدي (CAH). - أكروميغالي. - متلازمة كوشنغ. - ورم يفرز هرمون التستوستيرون (عادة أورام الخلايا الذكرية).

question:(In the world of “Azur Lane”…) Sayori: (waking up after falling from a portal) “Ow…my head…where am I?” (picking up her newborn baby girl) “My baby Sachiko! Are you alright?! What’s wrong?! Why are you crying?!” (Sachiko continues to cry in Sayori’s arm. Suddenly, the two spot something in the distance - it was two shipgirls.) Illustrious: “Akashi, do you hear that?” Akashi: “Hear what, nya~?” Illustrious: “That crying sound.” Akashi: “Oh, I do hear it now, nya~! Sounds like a baby crying, nya~.” (Sayori looks up and spots the two shipgirls approaching her.) Sayori: “Excuse me! Can you please help me? My baby Sachiko is crying, and I don’t know what’s wrong!” Illustrious: “Of course! We’ll do what we can to help. I’m Illustrious, and this here is Akashi. We’re shipgirls from the Royal Navy and the Sakura Empire, respectively.” Akashi: “Nya~! Nice to meet you, nya~! Do you know how to take care of shipgirls, nya~?” Sayori: “Shipgirls? I’m not familiar with that term…” Illustrious: “Shipgirls are anthropomorphic manifestations of warships, endowed with unique abilities and characteristics. We’re here to protect the world from hostile entities that threaten its peace and stability.” Sayori: “That’s incredible… but right now, I just need help with my baby.” Illustrious: “Don’t worry, Sayori. I can sense the presence of an evil entity nearby. We’ll take care of it while you focus on Sachiko.” Sayori: “Thank you so much! I don’t know how I ended up here, but I’m grateful for your help.” (Akashi approaches Sayori and gently pats Sachiko’s head.) Akashi: “Don’t worry, nya~! Akashi is good with babies. Let me help you, nya~.” (Sachiko slowly stops crying as Akashi’s touch soothes her.) Sayori: “Oh, thank you, Akashi! You have a way with babies.” Bismarck: (approaching from the distance) “What’s going on here?” Allen M. Sumner: (walking alongside Bismarck) “We heard crying from the shoreline.”

answer:Illustrious: "We found this young lady and her baby crying, Bismarck. She seems to have been transported here unexpectedly." Bismarck: "I see. Well, we can't ignore someone in need. How can we assist you?" Sayori: "Thank you for offering your help. I'm Sayori, and this is my baby, Sachiko. We just arrived here, and I have no idea how or why." Allen M. Sumner: "That sounds strange. We should investigate further to find out what happened." Akashi: "Nya~! Maybe the portal that brought Sayori and Sachiko here is the same one that's been causing trouble." Illustrious: "That's a possibility. Bismarck, should we notify the commander about this situation?" Bismarck: "Yes, it would be wise to inform them. Allen M. Sumner, please contact the commander and inform them about Sayori and Sachiko's arrival." Allen M. Sumner: "Understood, Bismarck." (Suddenly, an alarm goes off, indicating the presence of an enemy.) Bismarck: "It seems our investigation will have to wait. Let's assemble quickly to defend against the enemy threat. Sayori, you and Sachiko should find shelter for now." Sayori: "Alright, I'll make sure Sachiko stays safe. Thank you all for your kindness." (After the battle, the shipgirls regroup.) Illustrious: "Phew, that was quite intense. Are you and Sachiko alright, Sayori?" Sayori: "Yes, we managed to find a safe spot. Thank you for your concern. But what was that just now? Why are there hostile entities attacking?" Bismarck: "The world of Azur Lane is constantly under threat from various enemy factions, seeking to disrupt peace and stability. We shipgirls are here to protect everyone and defend against these threats." Sayori: "That's incredible. I never expected to be involved in something like this." Akashi: "Nya~! It's all thanks to the portal that brought you here. It seems fate has intertwined our paths." Sayori: "I suppose so. Well, I may not fully understand the world of Azur Lane yet, but I'm determined to protect my baby and find a way back home." Bismarck: "We'll assist you in any way we can, Sayori. Together, we'll overcome any challenges that come our way." And so, Sayori and Sachiko begin their unexpected journey alongside the shipgirls of Azur Lane, united in their quest to protect the world from evil and find a way back home.

question:Please write the first chapter of a lite novel in the style of Japanese lite novellas. The light novel should be in the genre of sci-fi,romance,drama,action,mecha. The action takes place in the future. The year is 2248. It's been 200 years since the end of the bloody war over the possession of power and earth resources. A lot of people died in that bloody massacre that turned the land and cities into numerous ruins. Many people left Earth and years later founded a high-tech galactic empire. Those who refused to leave earth again gradually rebuilt and rebuilt cities and founded the earth federation while the returning settlers from the galactic empire built a huge colony in earth's orbit. This colony was visited by Crown Princess Mia and her younger sister Lily. Princess Mia was only 14 years old and her sister Lily had recently turned 10. Mia had been begging her father for a long time to come to the colony. Mia loved her little sister very much and took her with her.

answer:Chapter 1: A Glimpse of a New Beginning The year was 2248, and the world as we knew it had transformed into a mere memory. The aftermath of the devastating war that had torn the land apart, leaving nothing but ruins and ashes, still lingered in the hearts of those who dared to remember. Generations had passed, and the wounds inflicted upon humanity seemed to have scarred both the Earth and its people irreparably. As the dust began to settle, those who survived made a choice. Some turned their backs on the desolate Earth, its bitter memories too potent to bear, and traveled beyond the reaches of that scarred blue planet. They sought refuge among the stars, founding a grand and high-tech galactic empire. Their ambitions soared, reaching far beyond the boundaries of Earth's atmosphere. Yet, not everyone chose progress over memory. Some yearned for something more than the promise of a futuristic utopia. Gradually, a new generation of settlers emerged, laboring tirelessly to rebuild their shattered homeland. They laid the foundations of new cities and established the Earth Federation, a beacon of hope amidst the remnants of destruction. One such city, standing tall among the ruins of the past, would become the centerpiece of this tale. It was here, in the heart of the Earth Federation, that a monumental event was about to unfold – the arrival of Crown Princess Mia and her beloved younger sister, Lily. Princess Mia, just at the tender age of fourteen, possessed a heart full of dreams and a spirit eager for adventure. Her bright, emerald eyes shimmered with the excitement of exploration, reflecting the gleaming lights of the city's revival. Ever since she had learned of the existence of the colony in Earth's orbit, Mia's curiosity had been unyielding. She longed to witness firsthand the triumph of humanity's resilience and the birth of a new era. Beside her stood her innocent companion, Lily, who had recently turned ten. Her large, round eyes mirrored those of her elder sister, brimming with the same spark of anticipation. Lily gazed up at Mia with admiration, viewing the crown princess as a guiding light in this uncertain world. Together, their footsteps echoed through the majestic corridors of their interstellar vessel, the Starlily. The name had been bestowed upon it by Mia herself when she had first set foot on this vessel years ago, its ethereal beauty and luminescence resembling the petals of a blossoming flower. As the Starlily approached the colossal colony that loomed in Earth's orbit, Mia's heart leapt with exhilaration. The colony stood as a testament to mankind's resilience, a triumph over the ravages of war. Its gleaming structures proclaimed the arrival of a new beginning, a sanctuary for those who refused to abandon their roots. Mia was resolved to explore every nook and cranny of this new world in orbit, hand in hand with Lily. She had promised herself that she would protect her sister, like a shining knight in armor. The bond between them was unbreakable, forged through their shared hardships and the love they had nurtured for one another. Their journey toward the colony had been long and arduous, but as the Starlily docked within the colony's docking bay, Mia's heart thrummed with anticipation. The doors slid open, revealing a bustling world beyond. The air buzzed with the hum of technology, a harmony of progress and innovation. Stepping onto the landing platform, Mia glanced around, her gaze dwarfed by the towering structures that reached for the furthest reaches of the sky. Citizens of the colony went about their daily affairs, casting occasional glances at the newcomers – the Crown Princess and her sister. Mia felt an unfamiliar sense of self-consciousness, her every step fraught with the weight of expectation. But as her gaze sought Lily's, she found solace in the comfort of their shared adventure. The bond that united them would drive them forward, bound by their love for one another and the hope for a brighter future. Princess Mia extended her hand to Lily, intertwining their fingers as they embarked on this new chapter. With hearts ignited by the prospect of discovery and the warmth of sisterly affection, they took their first steps into the unknown, determined to leave their mark upon this world and, in turn, be forever changed by it.

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