question:he following code uses an external library called jquery function initialise() { // This function is only called by Google, so we don't need to check if 'google' is defined. var mapOptions = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(53.478852,-2.247444), zoom: 9, mapTypeControl: false, // Cannot switch between roadmap/satellite panControl: false, // No circular pan control near top left zoomControl: false, // No vertical zoom bar near top left streetViewControl: false // No StreetView pinman }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions); // In case SetRectangle was called before we finished initialisation if ( rectangle != null ) { rectangle.setMap( map ); map.fitBounds( rectangleBounds ); } } if( typeof google !== 'undefined' ) // did Google's JavaScript load? { google.maps.event.addDomListener( window, 'load', initialise ); } else { ( document ).ready( function() { ( '#map-canvas' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); ( '#broken-map' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } ); } can you remove all references to jquery and instead replace with valid vanilla javascript
answer:Yes, here's the modified code using vanilla JavaScript: ```javascript function initialise() { // This function is only called by Google, so we don't need to check if 'google' is defined. var mapOptions = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(53.478852, -2.247444), zoom: 9, mapTypeControl: false, // Cannot switch between roadmap/satellite panControl: false, // No circular pan control near top left zoomControl: false, // No vertical zoom bar near top left streetViewControl: false // No StreetView pinman }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions); // In case SetRectangle was called before we finished initialisation if (rectangle != null) { rectangle.setMap(map); map.fitBounds(rectangleBounds); } } if (typeof google !== 'undefined') { // did Google's JavaScript load? google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialise); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { document.getElementById('map-canvas').classList.add('hidden'); document.getElementById('broken-map').classList.remove('hidden'); }); } ``` In the modified code, we've replaced all references to jQuery with vanilla JavaScript. We've used the `document.addEventListener` method to listen for the `DOMContentLoaded` event and add the `hidden` class to the `map-canvas` element if Google's JavaScript hasn't loaded yet. We've also used the `classList` property to manipulate the CSS classes of the elements.
question:he following code uses a variable called "index" to refer to a parameter of the "map" function in javascript. The "index" variable is used to get the previous and next item from the sortedStations array. How can i modify this code to respect the bounds of the sortedStations array: const { routeFetchedById, direction, updateStationsSchedule } = this.props; const { scheduleTargetTimes: { defaultTime }, } = this.state; if (routeFetchedById === ROUTE_BY_ID_MISSING) return; const sortedStations = sortBy(routeFetchedById[direction], 'stationOrder'); const wayBack = direction === ROUTE_DIRECTIONS.WAYBACK; const initPayload =, index) => ({ stationId:, stationOrder: station.stationOrder, schedule: => ({ day, time: moment(defaultTime).add(wayBack ? travelTime(sortedStations[index - 1], sortedStations[index]) : travelTime(sortedStations[index], sortedStations[index - 1])).format(SCHEDULE_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT), })), })); updateStationsSchedule(, direction, initPayload);
answer:To respect the bounds of the `sortedStations` array, you can use the `Math.min` and `Math.max` functions to find the appropriate index for the previous and next items. This will ensure you're always within the bounds of the array, even if `index - 1` or `index + 1` is out of bounds. Here's the modified code: ```javascript const { routeFetchedById, direction, updateStationsSchedule } = this.props; const { scheduleTargetTimes: { defaultTime }, } = this.state; if (routeFetchedById === ROUTE_BY_ID_MISSING) return; const sortedStations = sortBy(routeFetchedById[direction], 'stationOrder'); const wayBack = direction === ROUTE_DIRECTIONS.WAYBACK; const initPayload =, index) => ({ stationId:, stationOrder: station.stationOrder, schedule: => ({ day, time: moment(defaultTime).add(wayBack ? travelTime(sortedStations[Math.min(index - 1, sortedStations.length - 1)], sortedStations[index]) : travelTime(sortedStations[index], sortedStations[Math.max(index + 1, 0)])) .format(SCHEDULE_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT), })), })); updateStationsSchedule(, direction, initPayload); ``` In this modified code, `Math.min(index - 1, sortedStations.length - 1)` ensures that when `index - 1` is less than or equal to the last item in the array, it will use the last item in the array. Similarly, `Math.max(index + 1, 0)` ensures that when `index + 1` is greater than or equal to the first item in the array, it will use the first item in the array.
question:The following code uses plotly in R to plot contours of a function superimpose on a scatter plot of points. Rewrite it in Python: x1_range = range(Xtr[,1]) x2_range = range(Xtr[,2]) n_grid_points = 75 x1_seq = seq(x1_range[1],x1_range[2], length.out = n_grid_points) x2_seq = seq(x2_range[1],x2_range[2], length.out = n_grid_points) Xgrid = expand.grid(x1 = x1_seq, x2 = x2_seq) %>% as.matrix # Implement your own NW classifier: nw(...) does that etah = nw(Xgrid, Xtr, y) # Using plot_ly library(plotly) plot_ly(data.frame(etah = etah, radius_mean = Xgrid[,1], texture_mean = Xgrid[,2]), x = ~radius_mean, y = ~texture_mean, z = ~etah, type = "contour", opacity=1, colorbar=list(title="Reg func")) %>% add_trace(x = Xtr[y==0,1], y = Xtr[y==0,2], type = "scatter", mode="markers", marker = list(color='rgb(17, 157, 255)', line = list( color = 'rgb(0,0,0)', width = 1 )), name="Class 0") %>% add_trace(x = Xtr[y==1,1], y = Xtr[y==1,2], type = "scatter", mode="markers", marker = list(color='rgb(250, 250, 100)', line = list( color = 'rgb(0,0,0)', width = 1 )), name="Class 1")
answer:To rewrite the given R code to Python using Plotly, you can use the following code: ```python import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots # Assume Xtr and y are defined, and your 'nw' function is implemented in Python x1_range = np.min(Xtr[:, 0]), np.max(Xtr[:, 0]) x2_range = np.min(Xtr[:, 1]), np.max(Xtr[:, 1]) n_grid_points = 75 x1_seq = np.linspace(x1_range[0], x1_range[1], n_grid_points) x2_seq = np.linspace(x2_range[0], x2_range[1], n_grid_points) Xgrid = np.array(np.meshgrid(x1_seq, x2_seq)).T.reshape(-1, 2) # Using your nw function implemented in Python etah = nw(Xgrid, Xtr, y) # Using Plotly contour_data = go.Contour(x=Xgrid[:, 0], y=Xgrid[:, 1], z=etah, colorbar=dict(title="Reg Func")) scatter_data_class0 = go.Scatter(x=Xtr[y == 0, 0], y=Xtr[y == 0, 1], mode="markers", marker=dict(color='rgb(17, 157, 255)', line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)', width=1)), name="Class 0") scatter_data_class1 = go.Scatter(x=Xtr[y == 1, 0], y=Xtr[y == 1, 1], mode="markers", marker=dict(color='rgb(250, 250, 100)', line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)', width=1)), name="Class 1") fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"type": "scatter"}]]) fig.add_trace(contour_data) fig.add_trace(scatter_data_class0) fig.add_trace(scatter_data_class1) ``` This code first imports the necessary libraries and functions from Plotly, and then creates the Xgrid, applies the `nw` function, and builds the contour and scatter plots using the Plotly library. Final step combines all the plots using `make_subplots`. Make sure to define or adapt the `nw` function in Python, similar to what you have in R.
question:he following code works, but sometimes the request fails. I'd like the code to catch the exception and try again up to 3 times after waiting an .1 second delay. def process(self, input_data): # Initialize request argument(s) request = aiplatform_v1.UpsertDatapointsRequest( index="projects/1072436220726/locations/us-central1/indexes/9103120649148170240", # index="projects/89529659540/locations/us-central1/indexes/2984417605411930112", datapoints=input_data ) # Make the request response = self.client_ai.upsert_datapoints(request=request)
answer:You can achieve this using a for loop and the `time.sleep()` method for adding a delay between retries. Here is your modified code with the exception handling and retries: ```python import time from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPICallError def process(self, input_data): # Initialize request argument(s) request = aiplatform_v1.UpsertDatapointsRequest( index="projects/1072436220726/locations/us-central1/indexes/9103120649148170240", # index="projects/89529659540/locations/us-central1/indexes/2984417605411930112", datapoints=input_data ) max_retries = 3 retry_delay = 0.1 # Make the request up to three times with a delay if an exception occurs for i in range(max_retries): try: response = self.client_ai.upsert_datapoints(request=request) # If the request is successful, break from the loop break except GoogleAPICallError as error: print(f"Request failed with error: {error}") if i < max_retries - 1: print(f"Retrying in {retry_delay} seconds...") time.sleep(retry_delay) else: print("Maximum retries reached. Aborting.") raise ``` This code will catch `GoogleAPICallError` exceptions, retry up to 3 times after waiting for a 0.1 second delay, and then abort if the maximum number of retries is reached.