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question:英文翻译成中文 I thank Eric Clot and Odile Eisenstein for their many insightful contributions to this and other problems of mutual interest, Peter Hall (Strathclyde) for the direct fuel cell idea, the referees for useful suggestions and DOE and NSF for funding our catalysis work.

answer:我感谢Eric Clot和Odile Eisenstein对这个和其他彼此感兴趣的问题所做的许多有见地的贡献,Peter Hall(斯特拉斯克莱德)提出了直接燃料电池的想法,评审人员提供了有用的建议,DOE和NSF资助了我们的催化工作。

question:英文翻译成中文 Educated at Oxford and Sussex Universities and CNRS Natural Products Institute in Paris. Now, a Professor of Chemistry at Yale, he works extensively on catalysis, both organometallic and bioinorganic. Appointed Dow lecturer at Berkeley, Sabatier Lecturer at Toulouse, and will be Osborn Lecturer at Strasbourg and Mond Lecturer in the UK. He has been awarded ACS and RSC prizes for organometallic chemistry.


question:A la gym, les élèves font l'exercice de grand écart. Les filles commencent, et n'ont pas de problèmes. les garçons le font ensuite mais se font très mal. les garçons ne comprennent pas comment les filles font pour échapper a cette douleur, alors elles leurs expliquent la vulnérabilité dans cette situation d'avoir les œufs qui pendouillent a l'extérieur :

answer:c'est pour cette raison que les garçons ressentent une douleur plus intense lorsqu'ils font l'exercice de grand écart. Les filles, quant à elles, n'ont pas cette vulnérabilité anatomique et ressentent donc moins de douleur. Les garçons doivent donc être plus prudents lorsqu'ils font cet exercice et s'assurer de faire des échauffements appropriés afin de prévenir les risques de blessures.

question:(I was exploring the cavern right by my base, hoping to find some diamonds. The minute I left with a whopping 23 diamonds, it was already nighttime. But while I was storing the diamonds away in my base, I felt something lightly tap on my shoulder - it was like a shadow coming to life.) [player]: “Huh?” (I looked around, but I didn’t see anything. But then I saw a strange girl with a pitch-black wedding gown with dark pink accents.) Female Grue: “Boo.” [player]: “Oh my gosh, you scared me! Who are you?” Female Grue: “I am a Grue. My name is Ebony. And I have been watching you for a while now.” [player]: “Watching me? That’s kind of creepy.” Ebony: “I apologize for the intrusion. But I couldn’t help but notice how skilled you are at mining. I need someone like you to help me find something very important.” [player]: “What is it that you need help finding?” Ebony: “A very rare mineral called Shadowstone. It is only found in the depths of underground caverns, and I am unable to reach it due to the sunlight. But with your expertise, we could find it together.” [player]: “Why do you need Shadowstone?” Ebony: “It is a crucial element in my clan’s magic. Without it, we are weak and unable to defend ourselves from those who seek to harm us.” [player]: “I see. Well, I’m always up for an adventure. But why did you scare me like that?” Ebony: “I apologize again. It’s just a Grue’s nature to play pranks on those we encounter. But I promise, I mean no harm. Will you help me find the Shadowstone?” [player]: “Yes, I will. Let’s go find some Shadowstone.” (I followed Ebony back into the caverns, excited for the adventure that lay ahead. I didn’t know much about Grues or their magic, but I trusted Ebony’s word that we needed the Shadowstone. And who knows, maybe I’d learn a thing or two about magic on this journey. Deeper within the cavern, I saw two more women that had the same pitch-black wedding gown as Ebony - but one had blood-red accents and one had emerald-colored accents.) Female Scarlet Grue: “I can’t wait for this pregnancy to be over…my back already hurts.” Female Verdant Grue: “I know how you feel, sis. I had to wait 18 months just to have my twins.” Female Scarlet Grue: “You always have it easy with children, sis. But I still can’t believe that even though Ebony was the first of us triplets to be born, she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet.” [player]: “Do you know these two, Ebony?” Ebony: “Yes, they’re my sisters. The one with the red accents is Shayde, and the one with the emerald accents is Emerys.” [player]: “It’s nice to meet you both.” Shayde: “Likewise. So, are you helping Ebony find Shadowstone?” [player]: “Yes, I am. It sounds like an interesting adventure.” Emerys: “Well, just be careful. The deeper we go, the more dangerous it gets.” Ebony: “Don’t worry, Emerys. We will be fine. With [player]’s mining skills and our Grue magic, we are a formidable team.” [player]: “Let’s do this.” (As we continued deeper into the cavern, we encountered various obstacles - from tricky puzzles to fierce monsters. But with Ebony’s magic and my mining skills, we managed to overcome them all. And finally, we reached a chamber that was filled with Shadowstone. But after I mined enough of it, I noticed that Shayde’s face was contorted in pain - and she was clutching her belly.) [player]: “Is everything alright, Shayde?” Shayde: “I think my labor is starting…” Ebony: “Oh no, we need to get her out of here.” Emerys: “But we can’t carry her and the Shadowstone…” [player]: “I’ll carry the Shadowstone. You three take care of Shayde.” (With the Shadowstone on my back, we made our way back to the surface. Shayde was in labor the entire time, but we managed to make it back to their village.) Ebony: “Alright, Shayde. You can start pushing now.” Shayde: (in pain) "I'm trying to!"

answer:(I stood back and watched as Ebony, Emerys, and several other Grues helped Shayde deliver her baby. It was a chaotic yet beautiful scene, with Ebony using her magic to help ease Shayde’s pain.) [player]: “Congratulations, Shayde. You did it.” Shayde: (holding her newborn baby) “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. And thank you, [player], for helping us.” [player]: “Of course. It was an honor to assist. And I’m glad we were able to find the Shadowstone.” Ebony: “Yes, thank you, [player]. With this Shadowstone, we can protect ourselves from those who would do us harm.” [player]: “I’m glad I could help. And if you ever need my assistance again, don’t hesitate to ask.” (The Grues thanked me for my help and I left their village, feeling proud of the adventure we had just completed. And who knows, maybe there will be more adventures to come with the Grues and their magic.)

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