question:Write a Day 1 script for the Iron Golem. (Characters: Millie the Iron Golem, Steelie the Iron Golem, Mettal the Iron Golem, [player]) (Scene: Millie’s room - day) (Millie’s son - Mettal - was recently born. Millie’s daughter - Steelie - is 5 years old) (While Millie was giving birth to Mettal, Steelie climbed through her mother’s birth canal - mistaking it for the entrance of a slide - and seems to be living in Millie’s belly for now. However, Millie’s belly seems to be functioning as a room for all of Steelie’s needs - its essentially a combination of a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom - and Steelie is still able to communicate with her mother and everyone outside) (The village that Millie usually guarded has been destroyed - but the only house left in the village was Millie’s house, a gigantic mansion made of iron) (Steelie would start talking to [player] after a while, and [player] would ask Steelie as to how she’s doing and if she’s enjoying her time in Millie’s belly) (Steelie’s voice can be heard from Millie’s belly) (Surprisingly, Steelie seems to be enjoying her stay in Millie’s belly so much that Millie’s starting to enjoy Steelie’s permanent company) (The day begins with [player] asking where Steelie is - as she’s usually the first person to the door)
answer:Millie: Good morning [player], Steelie is still asleep in my belly. She's been very comfortable staying there lately. [player]: Oh, I see. Well, I hope she's doing well. Millie: Yes, she is. I've grown quite used to having her around all the time. It's nice to have company. [player]: That's good to hear. How are you feeling today, Millie? Millie: I am doing well. It's been a busy few days with Mettal's arrival, but I am happy to have a son. [player]: Congratulations on the new addition to your family! How is Mettal doing? Millie: He is doing well too. As you can see, we were fortunate that our home was the only one to survive the destruction of our village. But that means we'll need to rebuild for our community. [player]: That's a difficult task. Do you need my help with anything? Millie: Actually, yes. We need to collect some resources to help rebuild. But before that, I would like to introduce you to Steelie. She's been staying with me in my belly for a few days now. Steelie: Good morning [player]! How are you? [player]: Oh, hello Steelie! I didn't realize you were inside Millie's belly. How are you doing? Steelie: I'm doing great! It's like having my own personal room in here. And I get to spend all my time with my mom! [player]: That's nice to hear. So, Millie, what do we need to do to collect the resources you need? Millie: We need to explore the surrounding areas to find some iron ore, wood, and stone. We can start today if you're ready. [player]: Sure, I'm ready whenever you are. (And thus begins the adventure of collecting resources and rebuilding the village with the Iron Golem family and [player].)
question:Continue to Day 2. (Steelie is still enjoying her time in Millie’s belly - despite Millie constantly having to stay in her room) (Steelie is asleep right now, as its currently nighttime)
answer:(Scene: Millie's room - night) (Millie is up late, watching over her children while they sleep) (Millie notices that Steelie seems to be breathing a little harder than usual) (She decides to speak to [player] about it the next day) (Millie falls asleep soon after, exhausted from taking care of her children all day) (The night continues with nothing out of the ordinary happening) (Scene: Millie's room - day) (Millie wakes up early to prepare for the day) (Steelie wakes up soon after) Steelie: Good morning, mom! I had a great sleep. How are you? Millie: Good morning, Steelie. I am doing well. How about you? How was your sleep? Steelie: I had a great sleep as usual. I love living in your belly! Millie: I'm glad you're enjoying it. (Suddenly, Steelie starts to breathe heavily once again) Millie: Steelie, are you okay? You're breathing a little harder than usual. Steelie: (respirating heavily) Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Millie: I think we should talk to [player] about this. Just to make sure everything is okay. Steelie: Okay, let's do that. (Scene: Outside Millie's house) (Millie and Steelie exit Millie's house and [player] approaches) [player]: Good morning! How are you guys doing? Millie: Good morning, [player]. We are doing well. But we have noticed that Steelie has been breathing heavily lately. [player]: Oh, that's not good. We should speak to the village's healer about this. Let's go see him right away. (Scene: The healer's hut) (The healer examines Steelie) Healer: Hmm... it looks like Steelie has developed a minor respiratory issue. Nothing too serious at the moment, but we will need to keep an eye on her. [player]: Is there anything we can do to help her, healer? Healer: I would recommend that Steelie take some rest for the next few days. She should avoid any strenuous activities and try to rest as much as possible. As for her breathing, I will prepare a herbal remedy that will help with her respiration. Millie: Thank you, healer. We will make sure Steelie gets the rest she needs. (Scene: Millie's room - night) (Millie stays up late to make sure Steelie is comfortable) (Steelie falls asleep soon after taking the herbal remedy) (Millie watches over her children all night - making sure they are safe and comfortable)
question:Continue to Day 3. (After pressing down hard on Millie’s belly, [player] ends up in Steelie’s room - where the two start playing games together)
answer:(Scene: Millie's belly - day) [Player]: Alright, let's see where this goes... *presses down on Millie's belly* (Scene: Steelie's room - day) [Player]: Whoa, this is amazing! I'm in your room now, Steelie. Steelie: Yay! That's awesome. Let's play some games, [player]! [Player]: Sure! What do you want to play? Steelie: I wanna play hide and seek! I'm really good at it. [Player]: Okay, let's play hide and seek. You go and hide, and I'll try to find you. (Scene: Outside Millie's house - day) [Mond]: Hey, [player]! What are you doing? [Player]: Oh, hey Mond. I'm playing hide and seek with Steelie. She's hiding somewhere inside Millie's belly. [Mond]: That's... interesting. How do you even play hide and seek in there? [Player]: It's actually pretty fun! Steelie has a lot of cool stuff in her room, and we're having a great time. [Mond]: Well, okay then. Good luck finding her! [Player]: Thanks, I'll need it. (Scene: Steelie's room - day) [Player]: Alright, Steelie. I'm coming to find you! (Several minutes of searching pass) [Player]: Hmm, where could she be? (As [player] is searching, Steelie peeks out from behind a toy and giggles) [Player]: Aha! I found you, Steelie! Steelie: *laughs* Congratulations, [player]! You found me. [Player]: That was a lot of fun. What else do you have in here to play with? Steelie: Well, I have some toy swords and shields if you want to play knights and dragons. Or we could build a castle out of blocks. [Player]: Let's play knights and dragons! I'll be the knight and you can be the dragon. Steelie: Okay! Let's do it. (Scene: Millie's belly - day) (Millie can be heard chuckling to herself from outside) Millie: Those two are having so much fun in there. It's good to see Steelie feeling better. (She smiles and walks off, leaving the two to continue their game).
question:Continue to Day 4. ([player] and Millie would discuss what they should do for Steelie’s upcoming birthday - and even Steelie would suggest some ideas from inside Millie’s belly)
answer:(Scene: Millie's room - day) [Player]: Millie, I was wondering if you had any plans for Steelie's upcoming birthday? Millie: At the moment, I do not have any concrete plans. But I do want to make the day special for her. [Player]: Maybe we could throw her a surprise party? Millie: That's a great idea! But how would we keep it a surprise without Steelie finding out? [Player]: Hmm... Maybe we could have Steelie stay with someone else for the day, and then decorate while she's gone. Millie: That could work. Do you have anyone in mind who could watch her for the day? [Player]: Well, I was thinking maybe someone from the village could look after her. Someone who Steelie is comfortable with. Millie: That's a good idea. I will think about who we can ask. In the meantime, we should start planning for the decorations and food. [Player]: That sounds like a plan. What does Steelie like? Millie: She loves cake and balloons. And she also enjoys playing games and doing activities. [Player]: I see. We could set up a carnival-type area with games and prizes, as well as a table with her favourite foods and drinks. Millie: That sounds great. I'm sure she will love it. (Steelie's voice can be heard from Millie's belly) Steelie: Mom, can I suggest something for my birthday? Millie: Of course, Steelie. What do you have in mind? Steelie: How about we have a treasure hunt? You can hide clues around the village, and I have to follow them to find the treasure. Millie: That's a fantastic idea, Steelie. We will definitely include that in our plans. [Player]: This party is going to be epic! I can't wait to see Steelie's face when she sees everything. Millie: Me too. It's going to be a day to remember.