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question:Please write a chapter after the house match. The girls from Rose House are laughing and joking about the match, how much fun it was and just how muddy they got. How much muddier were some girls than others? Had they got mud on different parts of their bodies and kit?

answer:Chapter Eight: Mud Glorious Mud! With the match behind them, the girls of Rose House were a sight to behold as they made their way back to their dormitory, leaving the sounds of their laughter and chatter to echo down the halls of Jasmine Towers. Their uniforms, once a bright and proud display of their house colors, were now almost unrecognizable, each girl wearing a unique pattern of splatters and smudges from the muddy pitch. "I've got mud in my ears!" exclaimed Chloe, a fact that seemed to amuse her more than anything. She twirled around, showing off the extent of her mud-caked ensemble, which drew bursts of laughter from her teammates. "And look at Sophie!" Amy pointed out, barely containing her giggles. "She's got a mud streak right across her face like a warrior going into battle. You might've scared the opposition off with that fierce look, Sophie!" Sophie touched her face, trying in vain to wipe the mud off with equally dirty hands, which only served to smudge it further. "I think I did a good job then," she retorted with a smile, proud of her unintentional war paint. Lily, the team captain, couldn't help but join in the laughter. Yet, her amusement took a slight dip when she remembered the state of her own kit. She’d gone for a daring slide near the end of the game, resulting in her entire left side being caked in mud, much to the amusement of everyone, including herself. "I think I might have to soak my kit overnight. The mud's practically part of the fabric now!" The girls nodded in agreement, inspecting their own kits and finding similar predicaments. Shoes squelched with every step, socks had sagged down around ankles, and there was barely a clean patch to be found on anyone. "I've got mud up my back!" laughed Jessica, twisting to show the long streak that climbed up her shirt and onto her shorts, evidence of a spectacular tumble she had taken. "How it ended up there, I'll never know." "Ellie wins the prize for the muddiest, though," said Amy, pointing towards Ellie, who was somehow more mud than girl at this point. She'd taken enthusiasm to a whole new level during the game, diving and rolling in the mud at every opportunity, much to the delight of her teammates. Ellie beamed, proud of her newfound title. "I just couldn't resist! It looked too fun, and it was!" Her grin was broad, the white of her teeth startling against the brown of the mud on her face. Their mirth continued as they reached the dormitory, where the arduous process of cleaning up awaited them. Yet, as they began shedding their muddy layers and getting ready for a much-needed shower, the excitement of the day couldn't be tamped down. "I can't wait to tell the others about today," Chloe mused, as they queued for the showers, their muddy boots left outside as a courtesy to the cleaners. "Yes, and let’s take photos next time," Sophie suggested. "Our descriptions won’t do justice to how epic today was!" Agreement hummed through the group, each girl already looking forward to their next muddy adventure on the rugby field. As they finally stepped into the warm showers, the mud washing away to reveal the tired yet exhilarated faces beneath, there was a unanimous feeling of contentment. Today had been a glorious testament to the spirit of Jasmine Towers, a day filled with fun, laughter, and, of course, plenty of mud.

question:Подключаюсь к редос (рф) по ssh ввожу ssh root@ip и далее просит ввести пароль, после ввода вылезает сообщение Permission denied, please try again. В файле конфигов sshd поставил разрешение на вход по паролю, отключил usepam

answer:При возникновении ошибки "Permission denied, please try again" при попытке подключения по SSH, это может быть вызвано разными причинами. Давайте разберем потенциальные причины и способы их устранения. 1. **Неправильный пароль или имя пользователя**: - Убедитесь, что вы ввели правильный пароль для пользователя `root`. Пароли чувствительны к регистру, так что важно точно соблюдать регистр и символы. - Проверьте, правильно ли вы указали имя пользователя (`root`). 2. **SSH-доступ для root запрещен**: - В некоторых конфигурациях по умолчанию SSH-доступ для пользователя `root` отключен. Вам нужно проверить файл конфигурации SSH-сервера (`/etc/ssh/sshd_config`) на наличие строки `PermitRootLogin`. Убедитесь, что она установлена в `yes` или `without-password` (последнее для ключа SSH). - После изменений в конфигурации не забудьте перезагрузить SSH-сервер: `service ssh restart` или `systemctl restart sshd`, в зависимости от вашей системы. 3. **UsePAM отключен**: - Вы упомянули, что отключили `UsePAM`. Это может повлиять на аутентификацию. Попробуйте временно включить `UsePAM yes` и проверьте, решает ли это проблему. Помните перезагрузить SSH-сервер после изменений. 4. **Проверьте логи**: - Логи могут дать подсказку о том, что именно идет не так. Посмотрите логи на сервере (`/var/log/auth.log` или `/var/log/secure`, в зависимости от дистрибутива), чтобы увидеть более детальную информацию о попытке подключения. 5. **Настройки файервола или Security Groups**: - Убедитесь, что нет настроек файервола или Security Groups (если вы используете облачную инфраструктуру), которые могут блокировать доступ к порту SSH (по умолчанию 22). 6. **Проверка аутентификации по SSH-ключам**: - Если в вашей системе предусмотрена аутентификация по SSH-ключам, убедитесь, что ваш публичный ключ добавлен в файл `/root/.ssh/authorized_keys` на сервере. Если ни одно из этих решений не помогает, может быть полезно посмотреть более широкий контекст ошибки или дополнительные сообщения в логах. Это может дать более конкретные указания на проблему.

question:سلام. میتونی کمکم کنی یه مقاله رو بفهمم؟

answer:بله، خوشحال می‌شوم به شما کمک کنم. چه مقاله‌ای را می‌خواهید بفهمید؟ لطفا موضوع و سوالتان را بیان کنید تا بتوانم بهتر شما را راهنمایی کنم.

question:اسم مقاله هست:Sharp-Wave Ripples Orchestrate the Induction of Synaptic Plasticity during Reactivation of Place Cell Firing Patterns in the Hippocampus میشه لطفا شکل 2 رو توضیح بدی؟

answer:بله. شکل 2 در این مقاله احتمالا یک نمودار یا نمایی از داده‌های تجربی است که نشان‌دهنده تاثیر شکاف‌های موج‌های تیز بر فعالیت سیناپس‌های هیپوکامپ است. احتمالا این شکل نشان می‌دهد که چگونه تغییرات در فعالیت سیناپس‌ها به واسطه موج‌های تیز در مرحله بازتجزیه (reactivation) الگوهای آتش‌دهی سلول‌های مکانی (place cells) در هیپوکامپ اتفاق می‌افتد. در صورتی که دسترسی به متن مقاله دارید، می‌توانید به توضیحات و تفسیرات دقیق‌تر در متن مراجعه کنید.

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